Saturday, November 16, 2013

Shopping Expedition #2

With SNAP dollars doubled at my local farmers's market,
this bounty cost $6.13
I have returned from the farmers' market with some good savings. My original strategy was as follows:

Savings strategy #2: Farmers’ Market!  
Thanks to local food activists, SNAP dollars go twice as far at my Farmers' Market to encourage fresh local organic produce consumption and its nutritional benefits. However they only double the first $10. Still, if I can buy $20 worth of produce at the farmers' market, I can stretch my total allotment to as much as $42.14.

Price to beat
Up to
1 bunch
1 pepper
3 lbs
7 (2-3 lb)
1 fist

The onion was too expensive at $3/lb, and the garlic came in right on target.  I got good savings with the pepper ($1.49 for 2), the apples (2.8 lbs for $7.25), and the collards ($2.50/bunch). I spent $12.25 in all, but  because my SNAP dollars were doubled at the farmers' market, my total came in at just $6.13.  

I realized on my way to the farmers' market that I had forgotten to check for bulk tea options at the organic market yesterday. I went back there, and found they don't have bulk spices at all. I need a new option, and I am thinking about buying ginger root for ginger tea. Stay tuned as I see what my supermarket has to offer. 

My total spent so far is $8.87.  If I am able to find everything I need at the supermarket within my price estimate, I will have over $5 left. if it goes well, I will pick up some carrots to enhance my snacking, and the ginger root. More soon...stay tuned. 

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