Tuesday, November 19, 2013

What actions have you taken to oppose the SNAP cuts?

Ultimately I am doing this to raise awareness and hopefully inspire action from some of you, dear readers. Have you written Congress lately/yet about the pending Farm Bill? A second round of SNAP cuts (beyond those that went in effect Nov 1) are currently being debated in conference committee. Our representatives need to hear from us whether or not they are members of the Conference Committee. Western Mass folks take note: our Rep. Jim McGovern is on the Conference Committee. He needs to hear from us, if for no other reason than to thank him for his leadership!

One easy way to do this is through the Presbyterian Church Washington Office here (you can edit text to say whatever you want); if you don't want to use the PCUSA conduit try FRAC here (it doesn't supply sample text).  Please let me know what actions you have taken; I would find that news very encouraging.

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